Sunday 31 March 2013

Doubly foolish!!

I've been crocheting since August 2012, I'm entirely self taught via the Internet and magazines, so when I make a mistake it's frustrating as I have no one to ask. I can ask Pip if she's here with me or I'm over at hers, but that's never been the case so far. So here's what's happened....

I was happily working away on my 400 squares( I'd managed 6 by this time) I was glancing through simply crochet magazine to see if there was a better or neater way of fastening of, when I started to look at the teaching guides at the back, you know the 'how to crochet' with pictures. Like being smacked in the face with a wet fish I realised for the past few months I'd been double crocheting all wrong!!! Completely wrong. I'd been adding an extra 'yarn over hook' on the middle. Bizarre my sister called it!

I've had to redo the outside edge for all of my new squares for the 400, but most importantly I've unravelled the squares from the 56 and started to redo them and it appears that my dodgy doubles were the fault!!

I think the thing I'm trying to get across today is no matter how long you've been doing something it doesn't hurt to check your doing the basics right every now and again. Yeah that's not very eloquently put is it?

Katies Cardi

A little while ago, my nearly 15 year old teacup sized Yorkie had a haircut at the groomers. The weathers been really cold in the UK this winter and the poor little thing was shivering like crazy. So one Saturday morning I took action and in two hours had made her a little doggy cardi. I can't remember the pattern as I just made it up as I was going along and was measuring it up against her as I went. I remember a starting chain of 25 and just decreased and increased as I went along. But it's a nice little coat for her and she has worn it practically non stop since I made it.


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