Wednesday 20 March 2013

Slow Progress

Flipping Heck! I've bitten of more than I can chew here,  and I think I'm going to have to admit defeat straight away. There is no way I can produce one square a day!! I'm not even sure I'm doing them right. The count is right all the way round and they look right but....they damn things won't lie flat!! And I don't know why. I've made two so far. I've even gone to the extreme of making another with a larger hook size to see if thats the problem but it made no difference....I'm flummoxed, completely.

So I sent Simply Crochet a little message to see if there was anything that was left off or omitted from the pattern and I'm waiting for them to reply before I do anymore. I'd rather not waste anymore time and effort doing something that I may well have to unravel.

So I need to do something else whilst I wait for a reply. Its  bold choice as its going to be a long slog, but I'm going to go for ...... the blanket that is made up of 400 squares!!!! lol. Yes quiet an undertaking I'm sure and the making up is going to be a complete bitch! but here goes nothing.... Tx

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