Wednesday 13 March 2013

3 Layer Flower Pattern

 I sort of made up a pattern for a lovely 3 layer flower which is quick and easy to make and can be used to finish any project such on a bag hairband or shoe or as I have in a picture frame. It can be made using any colours so if you have a small amount of wool left over you can use it up on this small project. I love making small items such as these as I get bored quickly and like to finish things asap. The layers can be made in any colour combination you like by just changing your wool between each row. If you have any problems just ask and il try my best to help. The next time I make one I will take some more photos so it is easier to understand.

Start by chaining 5 and slip stitch together to form a circle.

Rnd 1. Dc 10 into the circle, the circle should fill up pull around a bit while doing it to make sure there is enough room. Slip stitch into top of first dc.

Rnd 2. Chain 3 in first dc and slip stitch to the next do the same all around so you end up with 5 chain loops (petals) .

Rnd 3. 5 dc into each petal.

Now work from behind! For 2nd row of petals  Don’t get scared lol.!

 step1.Stick your hook in and through the 2 loops behind the petal you have just finished, chain five and slip stitch through the next 2 loops on the next petal, do this all the way around so you have 5 petal chain loops again.

step2. Now work 3 dc 3 tr 3 dc in each petal around.

For 3rd row of petals do the same as for second but chain 8 to make slightly larger and when crocheting into the petals add in a few more stitches for eg 4 dc 4 trc 4 dc .

Just experiment with the petals you can chain more or less to make petals larger or smaller, crochet more or less into the petals tr makes the petal more pointy in the centre as it’s a taller longer stitch  and change colours for each row of petals or do all the same colour what ever you fancy.

Add a button  in the middle or bead crystal etc whatever you want.

Have fun.


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