Friday 22 March 2013

Jar Covers

I've been to Aldi this week where they were selling bunches of Daffodils for 95p!! Great, so I bought 4 bunches and brought them home. Problem was when I got home I realised I only had one small vase to fit one bunch. So I emptied out the IKEA pasta jar and put the rest in that. When those flowers opened the looked fab.

Then I went to Lidl on the weekend and they were selling Daffs for the same price, so greedy me bought another 2 bunches. This time I had to empty the coffee jar!!

They're just plain glass jars though, albeit rather large ones. They were in need of a bit of prettying up a bit, so I thought I'd make up a couple of jar covers so, out came my hook and a packet of yarn form a magazine.

so heres some abbreviations first
ch = chain stitch
st =stich
ss = slip stich
dc = double crochet (UK)
tr  = triple crochet (UK)
yoh = yarn over hook

ok then lets have a bash at pattern writing (gulp)

make a starting chain that goes all the way round the jar but not to loose and also not to tight! I worked in a triple crochet so don't forget that you need an extra 3 chain stitches on the end to count as your first for example chain 25 then and extra 3 chain, tr in the 4chain from the end, then tr all the way to the other end.

when you come to the end of a row 3ch and turn or turn and the 3ch whichever is your preference.

I worked a 2 row stripe until I ran out of wool. I would have liked it a little taller but 'thems the breaks!'

Then I just joined the two edges together, simples. But it looked a little unfinished and flat (and I forgot to take a photo do'h) so I had a think for a day or to on how to prettify...scollops!!!

So here I used a scollop pattern form Attic24 that Lucy used on a bag. Its dead easy and really effective. I used some other wool I had so its not an exact colour match, but as close as i could get it from my stash.

cast on with a ss in your chosen colour. miss 2st then 7tr in the same stitch.
miss 2 st then ss in the next, miss next 2 st then 7tr again and so on until you come to the end. ss to finish and fasten off.

Lovely scollopy prettiness!

 Ooo thats a bit prettier but not enough yet, need some embellishments. I didn't want flowers as they're in the jar....

Hearts! like on a Valentines card. So I very quickly made up a little tr square.
But I have never made a heart, honest! My sister does them all the time, she could probably knock one out with her eyes shut, but I tired and it went wrong and I threw my hands up in frustration! Time to give it another go. Googled heart pattern on the internet and decided to go for this one

Got it right after a few tries.

Attached the heart to the square, attached that to the cover, added a few wooden buttons and I was finished!

Ta dah!

So that was Jar no1, now I need to do Jar no 2...... Tx

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