Sunday 17 March 2013

Organising and Procrastinating (hurumph!)

Day off today, woohoo! What to do what to do....well the weather is bitterly cold to say the least, it is actually snowing in Somerset (albeit very lightly) and the wind!! Arctic or Siberian blast I have no idea, but it's cold cold cold out there and apart from having to walk the dogs later I will be staying indoors nice and warm with a hot coffee,with a biscuit or three, under a blanket.

Guilty as charged!

I have decided at long long last to start my next 'big' project. I'm going to have a go at another blanket (gulp). This time I have a pattern though. Ooo I'm going to do this one properly. It's going to be by the numbers and to the letter. My simply crochet magazine came last week and there was a lovely squares blanket in there that looked doable. So I had a little play last night to make sure I could do the stitches and I think I could pull it off (just). So at the moment I'm just sorting out my yarns and colour schemes. It's a very colourful blanket called Carmen by a designer called Nicki Trench. I love love love colourful blankets, may absolute favourite are Welsh Blankets and I have a small collection of my own that I'll photograph one day and show you. They are so colourful and intricate. The patterns have different names and styles. And the history behind them! We (the Welsh) have lost a great art/skill there but there is a steady cottage industry revival going on and hopefully the skills can be retained. Ooo I'm wittering off subject, sorry.

needs a bit of a sort out

Right so I have to make 56, yes that's right, 56 squares for this blanket. I'm aiming to try and do 1 square a day. (hmmm think that's going to be a hard quota to keep to but let's just see how it goes for now eh?) I will set the deadline to have this finished in a couple of weeks, I want to see if I can keep to one a day yet (laughs). And to think I very nearly chose a blanket that had 400 squares in it!!!

Right so let me get organised.....I'll just put the kettle on first. Tx

Some slow progress. 

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