Sunday 10 March 2013

Happy Mothers Day x

Now today it's Mothering Sunday, in the UK, and I'm sat in bed having been presented with cups of tea, a bowl of porridge (I did try to get up to eat it, but was cadgoled into staying under the covers) and two lovey cards, some fab pressies which include some Hotel Chocolat chocolates mmmmm! Some sanctuary body wash ( I hope they're not hinting at something lol) which I love. From my older daughter I got a lovely Radley (yes RADLEY!!) tote shopper for my ever expanding yarn collection and a little eyeshadow compact. Really surprised! They also surprised me yesterday after going shopping in Wells with a bunch of lovely tulips and a button box. Thank you girls, thoroughly spoilt xxx

So today is my day off where I get to do whatever I like. No one has even told me to get up yet!!! Think I might start planning and organising my big project this afternoon.

Early Easter Idea

Easter is going to be early this year so I though I'd get a head start and make some thing eastery! Not sure that's a proper word, even for a welsh person (lol). So of I went again trawling through the Internet for ideas, so inspiring to just type in Easter crochet into google and loads of images come up. My girls have no idea how lucky they are having the Internet to draw from. Who remembers only having text books and having to go to the library to find out anything. Now days you just google it, and it is just phenomenal, it really is. Any how I googled and came across some cute egg cosies that looked easy and quick. The link for the pattern is I adapted and changed a few minor things to individualised them for me. I decided not to put feet on them as I didn't like the way they looked and felt they didn't add anything really to the overall finish. I also didn't add the tails as I could see the point of them either. They were surprisingly easy and quick to make up and i really think they're cute. Perfect for topping a creme egg (a normal hen egg proved to large but maybe a medium/small egg would be ok).

Unfortunately when I turned my back on these earlier, my furry angels, Ruby and Polly helped themselves to the chocolate eggs underneath and demolished the lot!! I think they will be a little off colour for the next day or two now :-( Tx

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