Wednesday 3 April 2013

Thumb Twiddling is boring!

With two big projects on the go I try and cram in as much hooking as I can. I even take it to work with me..... Usually. I find myself at loose end this morning as I left the house in a rush, knowing I didn't have any gaps in my Clinic (I'm an Allied Health Professional) so I left my hook and bag at home. My first client didn't turn up so I find myself twiddling my thumbs for half an hour....grrrr so frustrating. I'm going on holiday next week too so I need to cram in as much as I can to stay on schedule with the square count. Obsessed much????

Magazine Day woohoo!

My new copy of Simply Crochet landed this morning. So nice to come home and see it waiting there in its little plasticc wrapper, calling out for an accompanying cuppa and a biscuit (or three). Lovely mmmm. I just know though that my last 2 project have come from this and there's bound to be something tempting in this one too. I'm thinking of saving it until I go on holiday next week so I will have something to read on the flight ( yes I'm of to sunnier climates for a fortnight) but another part of me thinks 'ooo10 hour flight, lots of hooky time and no interruptions'. Question: can you take a crochet hook on an airplane? Hmmm, best google that sometime this week....Tx

Yeah, I couldn't wait a whole week to open it!

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