Sunday 28 April 2013

Mini granny square purse

After the success of my granny square sunnies case I made yesterday (my friend wants me to make her one too), today I decided to use up some more of my stash of mini squares.
I just so happened to have a purse clasp lying around, I think it was a freebie from a magazine awhile ago, so set about making a purse from 8 mini granny squares.

I stitched four of them together using double crochet and then treble crocheted around all four of them to make it slightly larger to fit the purse frame better.

I did this twice then slip stiched the two sides together. I lined them with some pink felt by just placing the folded over felt with stitched up sides into the two granny square sides.

Next this was a tricky job I stiched the felt and crochet sides into the frame, this is tricky as you have to push the both fabrics into the gap in the frame and get the needle at the right angle to pass through the hole in the frame and go through the two layers of material at the same time. It took me a while to do this and I pricked my fingers a few times (didn't bleed to much over the project thankfully) but it is now finished and looks fantastic! I'm really pleased, what do you think? Pipx

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