Friday 3 May 2013

OOOOO so pretty!

Back in March for Mothers Day my daughters went of to Wells to do some stealthy Mothers Day shopping. We don't go to Wells very often, why I have no idea as its a very nice quaint place, with a cobbled market square and individual shops, not so many chains. My elder daughter surprised me with a little button box from a shop there called Sew Vintage. Both my girls kept gushing on about how cute it was and that there were bowls and bowls of buttons everywhere. so one day about a fortnight ago I made the effort and drove the whole long 9 miles to Wells. (that was a little bit of sarcasm, in case you missed it).

It is a gorgeous shop and the lady there was lovely
 and very graciously let me take some photos to put on the blog. its a mixture of haberdashery, quilters paradise, some very nice rowan wools and buttons, buttons buttons galore!! I think my favourite thing though was the way they have lots and lots of old singer manual sewing machines everywhere. My Mam had one when we were little and she taught me to sew on it.

Post holiday blues

I've been on holiday recently, been to catch some sun and warmth in better climes than the UK. It's been so cold here for so long now, it's nearly a year since we had that minor heat wave. So my better half and I jetted of for some much needed vitmain D! and to recharge our batteries. It was our wedding anniversary while we were away as well and because of that we decided it would be our first holiday with out the girls, who were left in the capable hand of Nanna!

Nanna got a bit bored whilst she was 'babysitting' so she helped herself (with my blessing) to my 'lets get crafty magazine and wool pack that had come through the post. My Mam is a pretty handy crafty lady mind you, she's quite the seamstress having worked in various factories over the years, including a shoe factory when she was a teenager lol, and she passed that on to me as I'm pretty whizzy with a sewing machine. she's also always knitted and crochet and tried to teach me to knit when I was young with very limited success.  I have always been handy with needle and thread and have done loads of embroidery and cross stitch over the years which no one else in the family has tried. Mam is really chuffed that Pip and I are crocheting now though and she likes seeing what we're working on. Anyhow Nanna was looking after my girls whilst I was away and was armed with a pattern and wool and freebie bamboo needles and got clicking away....

How cool is that! Thank you Nanna xx

The thing with going on holiday though is that I didn't take my crochet with me, a complete break was needed as I tend to let things become an obsession and then that will be all I do...literally. It was a silly thing I know as my sister was surprised, but I think my husband had visions of me crocheting by the pool and was a bit embarrassed by it (and to be fair I did ban him from taking his blackberry!). I did look into whether  if I could get a crochet hook on a plane, apparently you can as long as it is a wooden one. Well now I'm back and can get stuck back in to my 400 blanket again, woohoo...Tx

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