Saturday 27 April 2013

Granny square glasses case.

My new crochet magazine landed today!   Both my children were out enjoying the sunshine, the housework was already done, well downstairs anyway, where it matters lol! (done by my early rising husband <3), so I decided it was a crochet day! lucky me :)

I read an article about using granny squares for smaller projects other than blankets, and had a think to myself about the basket full of granny squares that I have crammed in one of my ever expanding crafty cwtches! Would I ever realistically make a blanket with those squares? The answer was a big fat NO, I really do not like large projects I love to finish something within a day or two or even less, a few hours even better! I love the satisfaction of seeing something finished and although I know I would absolutely love to be able to finish a large project like a granny square blanket, I just know I would get bored and never finish, this being the reason I have a basket full of granny squares!

So today I was inspired to make a sunglasses case out of 4 pretty little squares I had. It was quite simple, quick and very satisfying.

I simply joined 2 squares together twice, using any stitch you enjoy will do, I used double.

Then I simply layed them on top of each other and treble crocheted all around making sure I left one of the narrow sides open for the top.

Once I had done this I treble crocheted around the top to give it a better finish, them sewed on a button crocheted a small chain making sure it was long enough to go go around the button and ta dah! It was done!
Ta Dah!
So if you have any granny squares hanging around you just know are not going to be used as intended this is as good a use as any and an ideal quick gift for someone. Post any photos of your granny square uses for me to see I would love some more ideas! P.x

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