Friday 3 February 2017

Three years later......

Three years have passed since I last looked in on this blog. Why did I stop? Life, that's why. It just kind of happened and you stop doing something that you enjoy because you become focused on other things in your orbit. So now that the things that circle me are a little less, I've decided to return to this and have a little muse about my hobbies and work and life. 


Well since I last mentioned this I have well and truly completed the computer course I enrolled on. In fact I started a new job in a pharmacy, which I loved, and finished my qualification for that about 2 years ago. However the winds of change have blown through again and I handed in my notice to the pharmacy this week after securing a new this space!


Big, huge, enormous changes here. Both my girls have flown the coup, both off to university. A year apart. #1 is currently in Beijing on a years exchange, having a ball. In fact it's her that's inspired me to return to this as she has just started her own blog on her year in China. #2 is in gorgeous Aberystwyth and  I get to visit lots, which is great for my Welsh practice (yes I'm still learning Welsh, it actually never stops). Other half (OH) is always busy with his job but it has is upsides, I get invited along to some pretty fabulous long dress-up occasions and stays in nice hotels occasionally. My furry girls (dogs) are still a huge centre of life for me and quite honestly, with spending such a lot of time on my own, I'd be lost without them. 


Well this is a little sporadic really. One of the reasons I stopped writing about my crochet and hobbies is because I lost my cro-jo. Yep it's an actual thing. Cro-jo. Not to be confused with #2 daughters nick name Clojo. Over the last three years I have made quite a lot of things from yarn/wool but more recently in 2016 I hardly completed anything. Well anything worthy of showing off. I thing my skills have improved somewhat, but I still regard myself as a beginner/intermediate. I follow a few crochet groups on Facebook that give me a lot of inspiration and I've recently joined Pinterest. I joined a new Facebook page a couple of weeks ago and am planning on doing a CAL (crochet along) with an international group of about 20,000 others so I'm hopeful that my cro-jo will be nourished. The hype and hysteria to the release of the kits for it is certainly something that's made me excited.  Something I can talk about separately . I haven't been completely unproductive though, I've amassed a huge pile of stuffed animals that I will talk about in another piece with photos. And I've still got a huge pile of WIPs. I'll get round to doing that WIP walk of shame too. 

So I'm going to try and write this blog for me, for my enjoyment, to try and encourage me to stick at it and continue to improve my skills and learning on not just the crochet, but on design and colour. And I might add in some random life stuff as well. 

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