Monday 13 February 2017

Team Mermaid

I got one!! Yay! I managed to get a Simy's Choice Danish mermaid Kit for the Hygge CAL. I'm so pleased. The reasons being that because I've lost my cro-jo recently I'm hoping that the group dynamic and pressure (self imposed pressure I might add) will motivate me as the weeks go my. 
So let my tell you about the CAL. It last for 14 weeks, starting on the 15 February 2017. Each week a part of the pattern will be released and you carry out the instructions. There also a video for you to follow. When they tested the pattern out it took on average 5 hours a week. So that's quite a commitment. 

A few days ago Simy release a little taster of what her colour choices look like made up. I'm ecstatic, it looks amazing. By far my favourite colour way.

 Fancy a quick,look at my kit? 

Lovely eh? And the opening of the box was almost ceremonial in itself. A bit like when you get a new phone or iPad lol


Well it a week to go before the start of the CAL and the Scheepjes company have released a test swatch for us all to have a go at because we just can't wait to get hooking. 
The yarn is lovely and squishy and soft. The main background colour is an  acrylic cotton blend in a stonewashed style so it looks a bit distressed. The colours are 100% cotton and are very vibrant. In the kit is a little pouch with some charms, a button, a stitch marker, a couple of wooden snowflakes (?) and an  embroidery/yarn needle. It recommends the size hook to use as 4.5 to gauge a swatch that is 10cm by 10cm square. 

So this week on Wednesday the week before the start of the CAL Scheepjes have suggested we all have a go at a gauge square.  Basically a square that measure 10cm by10cm square is the correct gauge for this project and it will turn out the right size and more importantly you will not run out of wool towards the end of the project. Well I've  never made a gauge square before as I'm more of a 'wing it and see' type, but I thought I'd have a go. I dived right in using a 4mm hook. The gauge square was a chain of 20 s riches for twenty rows. Easy enough. Well it was definitely 10cm high, however it was 11.5cm wide. In order to get the square to measure exactly I would need to use a smaller hook. Problem was that the feel and drape of the square felt just right, and I was reluctant to go any tighter. I've decided to stick with the 4mm hook and just buy an extra ball or two if the need arises. 
Here's my square.


Then I had to have a little go at the cross stitch that brings the Hyyge to life. This was fun, I must admit. I have a lot of experience with cross stich and knew that this wouldn't be a struggle for me. I centred the design on the square by folding the piece in half and then in half again and using the embroidery needle pointed out the centre hole. Next I identified the centre stitch  on my cross crochet pattern and that was my starting point. Away I went. 
Here's the finished gauge square. So cute. I wanted to make another straightaway as I really did enjoy it but I'll wait until the CAL starts now. If I managed to source a rainbow kit I'll make a gauge square just for fun. 


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