Monday 30 December 2013

Autumn just wizzed past me!

Good grief where has the time gone!! It's like there's a big hole in a bucket labeled 2013! It's been a busy busy couple of months. Since I last blogged I've been busy in my work life. I've enrolled at college to do some computer courses and update my computer skills so that I can maybe, fingers crossed, get a new job in the new year. Exciting changes are afoot in Somerset! In my crafty life I've been quite busy too. My wool stash is completely out of hand and I really must organise it at some point. I've for several WIPs on the go which I will photograph and list later. I got a couple of commissions for a hippo and an elephant for Christmas which were delivered on time (relief). I have another to be ready for February. 

One of the most exciting things that has happened, was in November I went to Iceland (no, not the frozen food shop). It was fab from a hooky point of view. They have a Handknitters guild there and produce the most gorgeous pure wool jumpers. 

Just stunning!

I found myself in a wool shop called Allafoss just outside of Reykjavik on the last day of my stay. They were very nice and let me take phots. So as a thank you I though it was only polite to buy  half a suitcase  of wool!! Not Yarn mind, proper pure Iclandic wool!!!! Unbelievably cheap. Came home and wished I'd gotten more to be honest, but hey-Ho, it's another excuse to go back!!

Yarn porn!

 More yarn porn. 

Not a ball of acrylic in sight! All pure wool.

Look at the size of that! They sell them like that lol. 

It was a lovely visit and my brother bought himself an Icelandic jumper.  I wish I'd bought one now as they are absolutely stunning. But after buying my balls if wool I couldn't justify the expense. The nice thing that I liked is that there's a little label on it telling you the name of the person who kitted your jumper. Anyhow here's  a photo of the one he bought.

Cost a lot, I can tell you but it'll last forever. I bought myself a little wool bundle as I mentioned earlier. 

I haven't decided what to do with it yet, but the one thing I must do first it sort through all my WIPs. It's getting out of hand! Tx 

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