Thursday 15 August 2013

Finally finished

It's been a while I know. Things have been a little difficult and the blog has had to take a back seat for a month or two. But I have been busy with the hook. I have finally finished the 400! Woo hoo. 

I've also been busy with a little pal for the Hippo. She will be have her debut today as well I think. 

So the glorious summer of 2013 is over and we have now entered the rainy season again. Wasn't it fab while it lasted. My veggie garden has done really well and I picked my first runner beans last weekend. I've been eating spinach out of the garden for a while, so satisfying when you know you've grown it yourself. Feeling very smug! Lol 😄 

So back to the 400. I nearly lost the will to live putting it together and to be fair I got so bored with it I had to put it down for a while and work on something else after I'd finished it. Well nearly finished it, I decided to put and edging around it as it looked a bit....well sort of not right. So I edged it with a scolloped edging from Atiic 24. 

It's a very pretty little lap blanket and I'm very pleased with it. Here's a little peek at all the bits I had to trim of once a finished it. This alone took me 2 hours!! Still it's done now. Never to be repeated. 

 Here's what happened after I took the Ta-Dah photo

My furry girls dived on in! 

So I said there was going to be another debut. So I made a little companion for my Hippo, initially named Huw but now rechristened Hywel Happypottamus. So I introduce to you, another Heidi Bears design ( I'm such a fan of hers). This one is Enfys Ellephant (Enfys means Rainbow in Welsh).

She was surprisingly easier to do than the hippo, or maybe my skills are a little better, possibly. She's cute, but not a cute as the hippos according to the family (miserable lot!) Here's another of Enfys

So now I've got to find something else to do, and I'm going on holiday to Philadelphia next week. Must get it sorted out, got 6 hours on a plane to fill!!! 

Ooo I nearly forgot. I made my #2 teenager a little surprise summer holiday pressie. All over Facebook people/friends have been changing heir profile picture to minions and sending out little things about the film Despicable Me 2. So I copied a couple of designs I saw on The Creative Crochet Crew Facebook Page and made her a little something. 

Here she is modelling it, she was very pleased, my #1 teenager tried to steal it of her a couple of time but she held onto it pretty tight lol

Happy Summer Tx

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