Thursday 27 June 2013

Oh Frogg!

Question. Why is it called frogging? Frogging what eh? I'd never heard the term before either but apparently that's what the action of undoing all your work is called. Funny really.

When I first started to crochet, way way back last summer, well last August (not sure it can be classed as summer really the weather was so appalling) I bought a magazine in Tescos. You know the sort, they come complete with wool pack and a crochet hook. So this was my little foray in crochet. I started to make a teddy bear. It was a lovely striped teddy bear, done in the round (amugrami) and I took that thing apart so many times until I got it right. Any way, I subscribed to said magazine and so every month I have received a new wool pack. They're some lovely colours these wool pack, always coordinated. But the projects in the magazines left a lot to be desired (the crochet clock was a particular low IMO). So I have accrued a lot of 'magazine' wool over the last 10 months. But what to do with it? They are only 25g balls. Granny stripes was the answer!

Yes I know very pretty. Trouble is the wool is acrylic and not at all soft so it feels quiet stiff. And it's not decent quality will either, it keeps splitting and although not difficult to use it is not without it's frustrations. Here's another pic, as it it very pretty. We've taken to calling it my Gay Pride Rainbow blanket (lol)

But I started it as a beginner not really following a pattern, not knowing what I was doing. I didn't really know how to turn properly when I first started it. So because of this the edges of the blanket are really uneven. It no where near finished, only roughly 25 balls used on it. My sister told to just put an edging on it and it would be fine, but ever the perfectionist, I would know that it was wrong. And as I had just crochet on a 25g ball at a time, there were some rows of 2, some rows of 2 1/2, others of less than two. It was all a bit uneven. Not uniform and equal as I like things (I'm ex military, can you tell?) so I decided to unravel it, or 'frog' it as I've discovered it called. Where does that term come from??

So I googled it! It's quite sweet actually. When you undo your work you literally 'rip it'. So you 'rip it, rip it'...get it?? That's where frogging came from. Thought it was funny. There also another knitters term of undoing your work called 'tinking'. This one was genius, it's basically knit backwards, 'knit-tink', lol. Love it. 

Here's how my granny strip look now. Pretty pretty balls of colour. Tx

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