Tuesday 18 June 2013

It's been a while....

It most certainly had been a while since my last blogg. I've been pre occupied with various family 'things'. Both daughters have been sitting their exams in school. It hasn't been going well!! Lots of work in the 'Mum's taxi' department too! 

We've had some fab weather here in Somerset about a fortnight ago and I planted out a veggie patch, I've been titivating and generally getting down in the ground with that.
 Looking neat and tidy eh?

And the other thing is that I've returned to the gym last week after quite a long six week hiatus due to a poorly back. (Silly me tried lifting a 90kg boxed trampoline by myself, ouch). Sooo good to be back in the gym, managed a 5k run yesterday and oh spin classes I have missed you. Kettle bells tonight!! Woohoo

Elder daughter has decided to 'make some bunting for my room' which I initially thought was a 'mum could you...', but no she wanted to do it for herself. She bought her materials and fabrics, measured out her triangles with the precision of an A level maths student (OCD) and set her self up cutting away.

She's done very well, except for the small hiccup of the sewing machine breaking down after sewing only two triangles. She's been hand sewing since and doing a really good job.  She wants to come to the next crafting bee at the end of the month, AND she went out yesterday and bought the British sewing bee book! Gob smacked!! For years I've tried to get my girls into 'making'. 

Think I need a new sewing machine though. Oh poo, I've had that machine 10 years! 

So my crafty projects have had a little bit of a back seat this last two weeks, but there has been some progress. 

The 400 is doing well, it's about a third of the way put together now, reckon another week should break the back of it. However I've run out of cream stylecraft and my local wool shop in Cheddar have stopped selling stylecraft wool. Changed the whole range to Patons!! So now I've got to go and hunt down some stylecraft elsewhere, probably in Burnham-on-sea, there's 3 really good wool shops there. 

So I started a new project and I'm oh oh oh so excited! It going to take about a week. Here's a little sneaky peek.

Oooo what could it possible be???? Tx

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