Friday 15 February 2013

New Project blues

It's a beautiful blue sky day here in Somerset today, lovely to see the sun, even if it was through the window at work lol. I've been thinking of starting another project this week. I have a few ideas but not sure if I have the supplies yet. I certainly got a lot of wool for my birthday but what to do with it....

I completed my project bag yesterday. I copied a pattern from Lucy at Attic24 blog for a bag she made for a creative swap. I've been meaning to line it for a while so I did that yesterday, even put a little pocket in to stop my hook from getting lost.

Pip said to me a few weeks a go that she was after a hook case for her crochet hooks, so I've started to look at how to go about that. I've got some lovely colourful dotty cotton I bought in Street that might do for it, or some great patchwork fat quarters that I got in Cheddar.

So this afternoon I googled Crochet Hook Case and had a look for some inspiration. Should I crochet the outside of the case? Should the whole thing be crocheted? Would that take to long? So I gathered all my fabrics and had a look to see what was what. And I made a start....

I cut a piece of dotty cotton and a plain pink cotton and sandwiched a piece of wadding between them. I then cut and hemmed a piece of dotty cotton half the height but the same width and placed that on to top make the pocket.

I then sewed all around the edges.

Bala decided to help supervise!

I  measured 2cm x8 'runs' for hooks and one 3cm for a scissors, this left a larger pocket at the end.

I trimmed the edges with some yellow edging, added some buttons and a loop and it was finished!
It didn't take too long at all.

This is what the inside looks like. Hope she likes it. Tx

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