Monday 18 February 2013

My Crochet L Plates

I fell in love with crochet pretty quickly on holiday last year. I'd bought a magazine that came with all the wool and a hook to make a striped teddy and was looking forward to Pip showing how. Needless to say I ended up taking that thing apart about three times in total until I got it right. But I was a good learning curve and when I finished it I felt confident enough to embark on a fairly ambitious blanket for my bed.

I'd started to experiment with granny squares and was looking at various different types on the Internet. I decide on this design and happily started making little satisfying stacks of squares.

Then I got bored of doing all the same thing over and over.
So I made loads of these..

Then I got bored again and made a stack of these..

Joined them all together to form a panel

Then joined panels together to form the blanket. Then I treble crocheted all around the edges (six rows) to give it a better finish.

Ta Dah!

I'm not that happy with this blanket for a variety of reason, the main one being that I don't think I did that good a job on it. However I did learn an awful lot from it and realized that a project of this size is actually really hard work. I am now quite glad that I did stop at this size and not go for a double bed size and on the plus side.....

...... my furry angel Ruby loves it!

Polly making sure she doesn't get left out.  Tx

1 comment:

  1. how long did it take altogether seems like you have been doing it for ages.nice colours tho'.do one for poppy and bob they're birthdays are coming up
