Monday 18 February 2013

My Crochet L Plates

I fell in love with crochet pretty quickly on holiday last year. I'd bought a magazine that came with all the wool and a hook to make a striped teddy and was looking forward to Pip showing how. Needless to say I ended up taking that thing apart about three times in total until I got it right. But I was a good learning curve and when I finished it I felt confident enough to embark on a fairly ambitious blanket for my bed.

I'd started to experiment with granny squares and was looking at various different types on the Internet. I decide on this design and happily started making little satisfying stacks of squares.

Then I got bored of doing all the same thing over and over.
So I made loads of these..

Then I got bored again and made a stack of these..

Joined them all together to form a panel

Then joined panels together to form the blanket. Then I treble crocheted all around the edges (six rows) to give it a better finish.

Ta Dah!

I'm not that happy with this blanket for a variety of reason, the main one being that I don't think I did that good a job on it. However I did learn an awful lot from it and realized that a project of this size is actually really hard work. I am now quite glad that I did stop at this size and not go for a double bed size and on the plus side.....

...... my furry angel Ruby loves it!

Polly making sure she doesn't get left out.  Tx

Sunday 17 February 2013

So simple infinity scarf

I made this infinity scarf on a wim today just started making it as soon as I got up. It really is so simple to do and only took a few hours, so would make an ideal last minute gift, or even a great mothers day gift!

The lovely coloured stripes are all ready part of the wool so you don't need to change the wool as you go along. The wool can be bought just about anywhere, wilkinsons, shaws, supermarkets it called craft twirl self patterning super chunky.300g costs between £3-£5.

To start use a large hook I like to use a 10. chain 20 then turn and start treble crochet, that's it just keep going back and forth until you have used up almost all of the wool. When you have come to the last row decide if you want the infinity scarf to have a twist like mine in the picture or not. If you want a twist just literally twist the scarf before placing both ends together.
Dont worry if one end is a little wider or thinner,mine never work out exact. You can either join with the remainder wool by just hooking through both ends all the way to the end then tie off or sew together,and your done. Simple, give it a go would love to see your pictures once your done. Px

Friday 15 February 2013

New Project blues

It's a beautiful blue sky day here in Somerset today, lovely to see the sun, even if it was through the window at work lol. I've been thinking of starting another project this week. I have a few ideas but not sure if I have the supplies yet. I certainly got a lot of wool for my birthday but what to do with it....

I completed my project bag yesterday. I copied a pattern from Lucy at Attic24 blog for a bag she made for a creative swap. I've been meaning to line it for a while so I did that yesterday, even put a little pocket in to stop my hook from getting lost.

Pip said to me a few weeks a go that she was after a hook case for her crochet hooks, so I've started to look at how to go about that. I've got some lovely colourful dotty cotton I bought in Street that might do for it, or some great patchwork fat quarters that I got in Cheddar.

So this afternoon I googled Crochet Hook Case and had a look for some inspiration. Should I crochet the outside of the case? Should the whole thing be crocheted? Would that take to long? So I gathered all my fabrics and had a look to see what was what. And I made a start....

I cut a piece of dotty cotton and a plain pink cotton and sandwiched a piece of wadding between them. I then cut and hemmed a piece of dotty cotton half the height but the same width and placed that on to top make the pocket.

I then sewed all around the edges.

Bala decided to help supervise!

I  measured 2cm x8 'runs' for hooks and one 3cm for a scissors, this left a larger pocket at the end.

I trimmed the edges with some yellow edging, added some buttons and a loop and it was finished!
It didn't take too long at all.

This is what the inside looks like. Hope she likes it. Tx

Happy Valentine's day everyone<3

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Welcome Along from Tammy and Pip ( or is it Pip and Tammy!)

This is going to be a bit hit and miss for a while until we become a bit more 'professional' at Internet publishing, especially as I (Tammy) am not very good on computers and really shouldn't go out unescorted! So we are a couple of Welsh sisters who have a healthy interest in Crafts. Pip lives in Wales and I live on the other side of the Severn Bridge in England. Our current craft craze is crochet, which we have been doing steadily now for about 6 months. We have other interest too as well as families and jobs to hold down, but our escape is a nice bit of hooky time on the sofa!