Sunday 5 March 2017

Week two be or not two be.

It was not to be. Week two came and went as I tried to catch up from my frogging disaster of week one, coupled with finishing my job on Friday and starting my new one on the Monday. Busy busy busy. Still OH (other half) is away this week so maybe I'll make big strides this week. I will set myself a target of competing week two and doing the crochet for week three by the end of the week. Targets. Targets are the answer. 😅😅 Tx

Bobble or not.

Week one has been quite enjoyable really. Not that I've finished it mind.  The furor on the FB page has been immense! The pattern called for bobble stitch. There were some that like it and some that didn't. But there were some that were so perfectionist it was so far over the top it was OCD bobbles. Honestly for something that is hand made and individual why obsess over whether they 'pop' or not. Mine don't btw. Am I dissapointed? I'm dissapointed that I haven't mastered the stitch, but actually I like an understated bobble more as my colours are understated. Now when I do the rainbow Hygge then, ok I'm looking for an improvement in my technique and that it will be a little more bobbly. 
So I'm almost there with week one. I started on Wednesday by doing no crochet at all. In fact all I did was prep my kit and watch the video that a nice lady called Esther puts up for us. Then others on the FB make their own videos to show how they get their result using individual techniques. Me, I'm more of a follow the rules kinda girl and learn as a go. 

Well it's been 2 weeks since I wrote the above and so far it's been a bloody disaster. I very nearly got to the end of week one, was tootling along quite nicely, bobbles were ok-ish when I noticed that I had somehow used the 4.00 hook for part of it instead of the 4.5 hook I'd stared with. So I had to froggit all the way back down to the third row and start again. And it's taken me until 2 march to finish part one, two weeks behind! Not happy with myself at all. I've gone ahead and finished the whole ball of stonewashed just to see how far a single ball would go. Not quite enough to finish week two. 

Here's how week one looks anyhow. Bobbles not very bobbly but I'm fine with them they way they are. It's a learning curve right? 

On to week two.... Tx